If you have any comments, please leave a message in the board.
------------------------------------- RollBack Webtest Area

Simple Image Warp Tool / 最简图片代码工具

- Image url:

Auto Resize (by 1/2)?:

- HTML code: (use in blogs or webpages)

- UBB code: (use in most forums)
Select all [Ctrl+A]
then copy [Ctrl+C] & Paste [Ctrl+v]to your HTML page!
How to use this tool / 使用说明

Thumbnail tool / 缩略图代码制作工具

- Image url:

- Trumnail url: (if applicable)

Width: Height: (if void, W=H=100px)
Auto Resize (by 1/5)?:

- HTML code: (use in blogs or webpages)

- UBB (Discuz!) code: (use in most forums)
Select all [Ctrl+A]
then copy [Ctrl+C] & Paste [Ctrl+v]to your HTML page!
How to use this tool / 使用说明

Board 留言板

Please leave your comments here. BUG report and everything that can improve my work will be a greate welcome. Thanks. :) :3

请在这里留下你的意见。错误(BUG)报告和任何能够让我改进程序的建议都欢迎。谢谢 :)

1 comment:

  1. Update History:
    1: the float point problem of resized image was fixed. I phrase all the pixel into integer so that the code would be supporeted in the UBB mode.
    2: refresh problem in Google Chrome is still unfixed. [return false] is correctly add in the code, and the program runs correctly in IE, but GC still don't work. I'll find a way to fix this. See what I can do.

    Denesis, 26/3/09.
